
Color and line is what intrigues me.  One of my earliest childhood memories is drawing with a crayon on a wall behind my mother’s pretty drapes.  Then, I got pencils and sketch books to draw in, and always had them in hand.

The beauty of nature and our natural world and its myriad of colors, forms and patterns is what inspires me to paint.  I love the movement of paint on the canvas and the placement of one color next to another.  I think my paintings reflect the surprise and delight in the experience of color.   I paint to participate in the vast beauty that surrounds us and enlightens us to a higher calling of spirit, soul, mind and body.  Painting brings me to a closer understanding of the essence of our existence.

I also love graphic design and the articulation of message and meaning through art.  My years as a graphic artist for architects and designers has taught me how to collaborate with other creative individuals to communicate their ideas through a variety of artistic media.